Monday, January 03, 2011

Happy New Year!

One of my goals (resolutions as they call them) for 2011 is to write on this Blog more. I have really been slacking. I think because most of the stuff goes on Facebook, but why not write a little bit more here and just put these links on Facebook I say? Who's with me?

In any case, not much has gone on in the new year, on accounta it just started on Saturday and it's only Monday, but I did just get an email from Paul which made me crack up laughing.

The kids and I listen to the songs from Glee ALL the time. The only reason they know the song Bohemian Rhapsody is because Vocal Adreneline sang it at Regionals and I loved it so much that I had to download it immediately. We listened to it all summer in the car, along with New Direction's Regionals version of Don't Stop Believin', although the kids had the regular version wrapped. Now that I don't take the kids to school in the morning, they are in my car a lot less, hence, the email from Paul, which read:

"Jessica and I were rockin' some Journey on the way to school this morning and she makes this disgusted sigh and says, 'this version is awful. He doesn't even get all the words right.'"

That's my girl!!!!!

What is funny is that I did the same thing. After listening to the Glee kids sing Don't Stop Believin' for so long, when I went back and listened to the Journey version I felt let down.

The moral of this story for January 2nd?

Nurture over nature my friends.

Nurture over nature.

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